A Happy Peach

Things that make my heart smile…

Food Hunter…


My dear Friends,

If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m a bit of a food lover, a foodie if you will. I love to try new foods and experiment with my cooking. Although I do become very sad if my dish doesn’t turn out quite right, it’s like I need a round of therapy afterwards.

After college I spent a great deal of time as well a great deal of money trying new places big and small. It’s the perfect way to plumpen oneself (yikes). Some of my experiences were good, some have been unusual, while others have been down right funny. I remember a foodie friend and I went to this fusion Japanese place called Cafe Hiro. The food was yummy, but we ordered this roasted pork  and most of it was fat. I guess they had simmered the fat and it was supposed to be eaten. Well, we would have none of it, it just seemed wrong to chomp on a piece of fat. It was also a weeknight so there weren’t many people in the restaurant, which meant the servers had time to gawk at us not eat the fat. My friend jokes saying they were probably whispering to one another, why won’t they eat the fat. While I still don’t think I would eat the fat having a variety of adventures in cuisine has helped me to broaden my horizons when ordering as well as when cooking.

Needless to say as a foodie and a bit of an organizer (not that I’m good with the upkeep all the time) I tend to be the one to gather the troops for meals. I tended to be the person who kept an organized file of menus, although I’ve been cooking a lot the past year. I tend to prefer that now as it can be better for your health as well as your wallet. What with withdrawal of weaning myself off of eating out I tend to visit food site every so often to tempt my palate. I must say it is a bit sadistic of me to do so, because I end up wanting to go and breaking the fast so to speak.

Today I went over to my local PBS station and became waylaid when I saw they had a link to their socal food  and then I saw a posting on this place I had been to called Izakaya Honda-Ya. It’s one of the places my best friend and I went to when she came home for a visit, Cookie if you’re reading this do you remember? I began thinking of all the fun places we should go to when she comes for another visit soon.

I began to snoop around more and I found so many other places I had been to or felt that I needed to go to. I saw a blog on Elite Restaurant, which is a dim sum place, you know I love my dim sum.  They even had a video, it’s like food porn, GAH!!!!

And at the bottom of the post one gal wrote her comment with a link to her blog EatingLA. I continued to torture myself and itemized places that I needed to try in the near future. She reminded me how great eating in Southern California can be. It’s not necessarily New York, but there are so many different nationalities and so many people who want to try to make something new. It’s so fun. I thought of all the farmers markets in my local cities and pop-up food opportunities that can happen. I just found out about The Secret Fork, it seems to be shrouded in mystery, maybe even exclusivity. They don’t seem to want to publicize it too much. All of they cyber food travel has reinvigorated my love of food, as if it had gone away. It’s made me want to find a way to travel and explore.

It has also left me a bit munchy. Right now I am craving Jjol-myeon. What can I say, one of my favorite textures is chewy. Anyone else hungry?

6 thoughts on “Food Hunter…

  1. For some reason, I’m now craving bibim bab? however you spell it? 🙂

  2. You know, I love food but I wouldn’t call myself a foodie. I can see that you are one, however! 🙂 I should get out and buy some grocery and experiment some more, but I haven’t wanted to cook since returning from vacay. But I don’t eat out as much as before, either. I think when we’re in our 20s/30s and making money for the first time while working a lot, it was a bit of a sport to find the newest and bestest restaurant and brag about having eaten there. I like to try a new place now and then but it’s mostly going back to my tried & tested favourites when I get a craving for something. I’d love to see you post more about the things you cook, actually.

    • I think you’re right, that financial independence can make a bit nuts, giving birth to food exploration. I just enjoyed the food. I am not the worlds biggest eater, it doesn’t sit well with me. Like right now I’m a little too full and I am not feeling so good, ugh, yuck.
      I think I will start posting about my little meals more. I’ve got to remember to take pictures.

  3. That dim sum looked delicious. Glad I ate before watching or I would’ve ended up hungry looking at all that delicious food! I also liked watching them make them at the beginning. It’s like a work of art.

    • Oh that is such a good point Dienna, food is art. I totally forgot that aspect. I was going to go to Johnson and Wales for the studies of Culinary Arts. Thanks for reminding me.

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